Shocking Discovery Emerged After Pensioner Sells Her Home

Published on 12/01/2019


After being held onto in the hands of Joyce for 7 decades, snuggled up in the quiet, upmarket suburb of Old Mill, it was just about to land it’s spot on the market, via retail sharks, Gladys and Carla. Were some renegotiations in order? Did the sisters aim too low on their estimate? The duo was not quite sure yet as to what price exactly they could place on this little gem. They were completely relieved but also taken back as it was not the worst-case scenario they had pictured.




Locked In Time

Set aside who is residing in the dwelling, or whose signatures are on the legalities, this home is the definition of remarkable and well-preserved architecture. Joyce had indeed preserved the property and gave it every bit of TLC it needed and deserved. The sisters’ plans for maintenance, cleaning and remodeling were not even necessary and now much to their relief, a thing of the past, as all were found in immaculate condition.

Locked In Time

Locked In Time