Haters Gonna Hate
Age should not be your defining characteristic. That’s what your personality is for! The fellow in the picture is a busy man and he doesn’t have the time to waste on rebuking his haters. Given his powerful posture and determined walk, we are sure that he is an incredibly confident gentleman who has never allowed his Sunday shopping to be deterred by potential critics. He just bought his newspaper and is going to sit down with it and a nice cup of tea.

Haters Gonna Hate
Nirvana Who?
If you are not a fan of Nirvana, then he highly doubt that this t-shirt will move you. To be honest, however, it would not speak to Nirvana fans either as we have no idea who these guys in the shirt are. Oh, wait, this is the iconic pop band, Hanson! We are sure that heavy rock fans will take incredible offense at having their legendary band mocked so. You could also go for a shirt with Lisa from The Simpsons calling people losers.

Nirvana Who?