And Then He Was Arrested
The shirt he’s wearing is pretty telling, isn’t it? He had to live the reality the t-shirt depicted! Perhaps next time he can wear something more positive. Something to do with winning the lottery would be a great idea. Is that a teardrop tattoo on his right eye? We really hope that the cops did not arrive at a murder scene, then. We hope that his cell mates appreciated his sense of humor as much as he did.

And Then He Was Arrested
Have You Seen Rita?
He has probably gone missing one time too many and this is how she came up with a genius plan. If you ever find him wandering about, don’t forget to bring him back to her! You’ll know who she is. When you get to a certain age, you tend to go wandering about more often, making shirts like these less humorous and more useful. Rita will never lose track of her man with such a bold and direct print!

Have You Seen Rita?