The internet has done many incredible things for humanity in general, but we want to focus today on the privilege of being able to explore the past to your heart’s content. If you think that you’ve seen it all when it comes to modern history, but we bet you haven’t seen all of these unique, rare and totally mind-blowing historical photographs. Here’s our disclaimer: many of these pics will change your perception of history forever!
Marilyn and the Drones

Marilyn Can Fix It
Before capturing the hearts of worldwide fans, Marilyn Monroe’s life was completely different. She was employed by the US Military in Van Nuys as a drone-fixer, a significantly less glamorous position. Following a complete life change, she also changed her name. She was actually born as Norma Jeane Doughtery. The photographer who took this picture was David Conover and he is credited with discovering her. The rest, as they say, is history.
A Spot of Shopping for Audrey Hepburn, with her Pet Deer of Course!

Audrey Hepburn Shopping With Her Pet Deer
Of course, Hollywood is filled with unusual couples, but here’s a super-unusual one. Audrey Hepburn and her little deer friend, Pippin. The Movie she was filming”at the time was “Green Mansion”; and part of her homework was to spend time with the fawn. She came to love the little deer so much and is seen here doing her shopping with her little pet. We would have done the same! Isn’t that sweet?