Iron Lady Marilyn

Marilyn Pumping Iron
Marilyn Monroe was always more than just a pretty face, but at the height of her fame, she had to work hard to stay in great shape. Those around at the time remember how she used to do bench presses and squats diligently while she wasn’t on set. Marylin was a pioneer for women’s fitness, and encouraged many other women around the world to begin lifting weights, something previously reserved for men.
Arnold and Sylvester

Arnold And Sylvester
No self-respecting eighties action movie would be complete without either one of these guys. Interestingly, they both dated Brigitte Neilsen, but are still big friends to this day. We love how these two ‘tough guys’ still had incredible sense of humor and were not afraid to fool around. While we would expect such behavior from the mischevious Schwarzenegger, we were surprised that Stallone was down with clowning around like this.