A Chicken-eating Walt Disney

A Chicken Eating Walt Disney
Looking quite pleased with himself, this picture of Walt Disney was taken at the time he was enjoying the initial success of Mickey Mouse and Snow White. Like many Americans, Walt treated himself to some delicious soul food to celebrate a rousing victory. It is amazing to see even the most successful people in the world sit down to enjoy some simple but heartwarming food like the rest of us.
Marilyn Monroe and Director, Billy Wilder

Marilyn Monroe And Director, Billy Wilder
During the filming of Some Like it Hot, Marilyn Monroe gained herself a reputation of being difficult to work with. She was at the height of her prescription pill addiction, resulting in poor concentration and a hard time getting her lines right. It is reported that she took 47 takes to get the line “it’s me, Sugar” right in this pic the film’s director, Billy Wilder, gives Marilyn some advice.