Russian Military Secret Base

Russian Military Secret Base
The courageous photographer who took this picture at great personal risk gives us a peek into this secret Kazakhstan military base. It is forbidden for the public to go in there, so this 1988 picture is rare indeed. Given the notorious KGB’s treatment of even normal citizens, this stealthy person was putting their life on the line by breaking into this complex. Granted, it was abandoned, but Russian security certainly did not want anyone snooping around.
Mount Rushmore – Minus the Faces

Mount Rushmore Minus The Faces
This extremely rare 1929 photo was snapped just as construction work was beginning to turn it into the natural monument we all know today. You can see from the size and ruggedness of the mountain that this would be no easy task, that of carving out enormous and incredibly detailed likenesses of America’s great leaders. There is also plenty of woodland around the mountain itself that would need to be cleared out.