Walking on the Moon, 1969

Walking On The Moon, 1969
One of Neil Armstrong’s photos, this 1969 picture was one of the very first ever taken by a human being on the moon. This scene would become more fuel for conspiracy theorists who would believe that the moon landing had been stage. Plenty of people to this day believe that the moon landing was orchestrated in a shadowy Hollywood studio, where iconic director Stanley Kubrick directed the entire scene with actors and props.
The Statue Of Liberty Arrives in Pieces

The Statue Of Liberty Arrives In Pieces
The men in this picture are busy unpacking the various components of the Statue of Liberty when she first arrived from France. As you can see in the background, her giantic arm left arm is being assembled. The Statue of Liberty was designed by Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, and Gustave Eiffel provided the metal framework upon which it was put together on. She was modeled around the Roman goddess of liberty, Libertas.