Jackie Chan and the Hollywood Sign

Jackie Chan And The Hollywood Sign
This 1996 picture of Jackie Chan was taken as he was preparing to climb the Hollywood sign. Known for performing most of his stunts himself, this picture really embodies the spirit of the actor. Few martial artists and actors will ever possess the theatrical and abrocatic skill and pinache that Chan does. This impressive stunt signified the Chinese actor and martial artist’s conquering of Hollywood. Chan scaled the iconic sign with just some rope and his bare hands.
Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Archduke Franz Ferdinand
The assassination of the archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria sparked the hostilities that led to WW1, making him a legend in the process. While we know that this man’s death was central to the sparking of the First World War, being regarded as more of a symbol or event rather than a person, it is incredible to see his actual face! It is important to remember that he was an actual human being.