Famous Space-going Chimpanzee

Famous Space Going Chimpanzee
Ham was a chimp who paved the way for human beings to go to space. He was the first primate to go to outer space and return safely. Animals were used by both the Soviets and Americans during the Cold War and Space Race to test whether their various galactic ambitions and missions were suitable for human astronauts. We cannot imagine the kind of terror that this chimpanzee experienced being launched into orbit in a tight and unnatural space.
Shrek Inspiration?

Shrek Inspiration
Born in Russia, this French professional wrestler had some really mean nicknames, like ‘Worlds Ugliest Man’ and the ‘French Angel’. His real name was Maurice Tillet. Incredibly, Tillet’s nickname of ‘The Angel’ was not originally ironic, as his face was beautiful to an angelic degree prior to developing a rare genetic condition called ecromegaly that caused his body and head to begin swelling extremely. He would alter become an incredibly successful professional wrestler.