The Many Faces of Hitler

The Many Faces Of Hitler
This photograph of Hitler was edited by the CIA to show the possible disguises that he could have employed in a possible escape from Germany. With the impending Allied victory over Germany, the CIA was greatly concerned that the man would try and fleehis responsibilities for the many terrible atrocities that he committed. Hitler would end up committing suicide in a cowardly act as Berlin fell all around him under Soviet artillery
Gaming in Days Gone By

Gaming In Days Gone By
In case you were thinking that gaming events were a modern thing, here’s a pic of the 1980 National Space Invaders Championship. It was attended by over 10,000 people from around the world and was a massive gathering of computer game fans. While eSports are considered a modern invention, gamers were organizing professional competitions between one another decades ago. Granted, the prizes were a modicum of what they would one day become.