Constructing The Message
When coming up with the wording, Donna knew the note would need to be blunt. It had to look real. She wrote down how she felt that their love had slowly faded and that she didn’t love Mark anymore. It was severe, but it had to be done. This is what she believed. She needed a genuine reaction, so she couldn’t hold back. She took a deep breath and put the note on the bed.

Constructing The Message
Waiting And Waiting
As Donna lay underneath the bed, waiting for her husband to return home, she started to think about what would happen if this prank backfired. What if she didn’t get the reaction she was hoping for? Maybe marriage counseling would have just been easier? But before she could overthink, even more, she heard the front door slam shut. Her husband was home and very soon her life was about to get turned upside down. Donna hid under the bed and waited for Mark to get home from work. She waited a long time, and as she waited she began to wonder what would happen if the prank didn’t go affording to plan. What if she got his genuine reaction, but it wasn’t the one she wanted? Maybe marriage counseling would have been a better idea. Before she could think further, she heard the front door open. It was time.

Waiting And Waiting