Hubby Is Home
It was finally time for her to discover Mark’s true feelings. Donna heard him coming up the stairs and her heart pounded with every footstep. He called out to her, but she stayed hidden under the bed. Mark came into the room, and Donna realized she’d made a mistake. His reaction to the note was about to validate that belief. Marriage counseling would have been a much better choice. However, it was too late now.

Hubby Is Home
Considering The Note
Donna’s heart was throbbing in her throat as she watched her husband’s feet pacing back and forth. It was clear that he was now reading the note carefully. It was terribly silent and the air was thick and hot. It was far too late for Donna to undo what had been done. She was about to get the exact thing that she wanted; Mark’s true feelings. However, certainly not the ones she had hoped for.

Considering The Note