Mystery Person
What Mark had said on the phone devastated Donna. It positively shattered her heart. She’d never felt sadness like this. She was frozen. She couldn’t make a sound. Even the worst outcome she had though of hadn’t been this bad. Who did Mark call? Was it another woman? A mistress? Or perhaps it was a friend. Regardless, she needed to find out for herself. She had to investigate this event and find out what happened.

Mystery Person
Hollowed Out And Floored
Donna lay beneath her bed feeling like a total idiot. Regret, heartbreak, and pain filled her up to the brim. She wanted a dramatic outcome from all of this, and she certainly got one, but in the opposite way to what she had wanted. She wanted him to fight for the marriage, not happily skip away. Donna dragged herself out from under their bed. Donna was a wreck, but she didn’t know it’d get worse.

Hollowed Out And Floored