You’ll Be Shocked To Know What The World’s Most Iconic Songs Really Mean

Published on 02/28/2022

Casey Jones

Since its release in 1970, the Grateful Dead’s hit “Casey Jones” became a favorite among music fans. During their heyday, they are believed to have played the hit over 300 times! While all of this is going on, many folks are completely unaware that the music is the polar opposite of the preconceived notions. For this reason, many people assume the film is about Casey Jones having a fantastic time while using drugs. It is pleasant, engaging, and catchy. The lyrics, however, strongly warn against its usage!

Casey Jones

Casey Jones


Hey Jude

In a lot of countries across the world, this Beatles’ song which was published in 1968, immediately ascended to the number one spot on the charts. Despite this, many people are unaware Paul McCartney composed the song specifically for the son of John Lennon, Julian Lennon, who is also the subject of the song. Written to console a little youngster who had lately endured his parents’ divorce, the song has become popular. The song was originally entitled “Hey Jules.” Jude was picked by McCartney thinking it sounded better than the other option.

Hey Jude

Hey Jude