The 100 Most Phenomenal Sports Pictures Ever

Published on 03/01/2021

Phil Mickelson

If this April 11, 2004 photograph taken at the Masters of Phil Mickelson and his adoring crowd jumping for joy doesn’t put a smile on your face, nothing will. Mickelson managed to secure a one-stroke win after he reached the 18th hole and plopped the ball in with a sensational 18-foot putt. This was a truly emotional moment for ‘Lefty’, seeing as he had finally overcome his nine-under-par habit to finally take a much-deserved win. Mickelson would win the Masters twice more after this, in 2006 and 2010.

Phil Mickelson

Phil Mickelson


Pete Rose

August 1975 – Reds vs. Cubs. Pete Rose of Cincinnati hurls himself onto the third base while grimacing for impact. Given how grueling the competition from the Cubs had been, you can bet that all the players were putting their bodies on the line at this Wrigley Field game. That being said, Rose was (and still is) the eternal hits leader in baseball, and at this game, he enjoyed eight walks with 4-for-9. This was an incredible time for the players during this Chicago series.

Pete Rose

Pete Rose